a newborn + family photographer from Hudson, WI

these are my people

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I am a natural light, on-location lifestyle newborn and family photographer. I grew up in a big family as the oldest of 5 kids (as pictured above) just over the river in Hudson, WI. In 2013, I moved to the New Brighton, MN area after marrying the best set of brown eyes I had ever seen- my husband Josh. 

Let me tell you why I love to do what I do....

hey, thanks for being here

my name is savannah But my friends call me Sav

so many good memories

I love my family more than I can put into words. There are few things I enjoy more than just being with them and for as long as I can remember, I’ve been documenting every moment and memory I can. I got that from my Mama. Growing up, my mom was a hobby photographer with a creative eye and my dad was a sentimental gadget guy that loved to supply my mom with the camera gear she needed to photograph us kids and whatever our family was up to. Thanks to them, we have an entire armoire of photo albums in their house that we can sit and page through and remember all the good times we had as we grew up. I didn’t know how special that really was until I got older. I believe it has contributed to the close, loving family we still have today and I couldn't be more grateful that they considered photos to be so important.

When I was in elementary school, they got me a disposable camera to take on a trip out west with my grandparents. After that, I went through disposable camera after disposable camera until I could afford my first point-and-shoot. My love of documenting had begun. Every family vacation, every slumber party and really everything that was important to me. I always had doubles developed of the pictures I took so that I could share them with my friends. Now I have my own cabinet of treasured photo albums! My photos are my history and some of my most treasured possessions.

As a young adult, I was finally able to invest in my first semi-pro DSLR and I took it everywhere. While photography remained a favorite hobby, I stayed busy in other professions, some of which ended up contributing to my photography career. For example, for 5 years I worked at a graphic design/sign production shop that helped me develop an eye for color, composition and design. I later helped care for my aging grandfather who had dementia, which solidified the importance to me of taking as many pictures as you can with your loved ones while you have them.

One day, after having photographed the births of my first two nephews, it finally hit me. I wanted to photograph what I love the most: babies and families. So in 2017, I decided to do this photography thing for real and make it a business. Now, years later, I'm so happy I made the decision to follow my passion to help other families document their stories too.

my story

– K. thurmes

“We take photos
as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.”

the top 3 reasons why I document...

Just as I do at my parents' house, I love to be able to look back on how much fun we had camping that year, how tiny my nephews were when they were born, and how much younger we looked when we first got married. It makes me happy to return to those days.

1. To remember that time

Sadly, both of my grandfathers have now fallen asleep in death. And while I have strong faith that I will see them again (John 5:28,29) it brings me great comfort to look back at photos from when we were together. You just never know when a photo you took with a loved one will become PRICELESS.

2. to remember that person

I have a super cool family history and I am so grateful that others took pictures to document it before I was born. Thanks to them, I can see things like, why everyone says that I look like my grandma when she was younger. I want to pay it forward with pictures to the next generation.

3. to help others remember

these are a few of my favorite things...

One Week by Barenaked Ladies


go-to karaoke song?

happy hour beverage?

most watched tv shows?

most watched movies?

First concert?

special skills?

packers or vikings?

most exciting passport stamp?

other languages spoken?

                One Week by Barenaked Ladies
                  an ice cold IPA
                         the Office, Parks & Rec and Frasier
                  Anne of Green Gables, Home Alone 2 and  Twister
George Strait
choosing the checkout line that will take the longest
            the Minnesota Twins!
                                       Papua New Guinea
                           Spanish... pero me falta practica...

Spanish... pero me falta practica...

Papua New Guinea

the Minnesota Twins!

choosing the checkout line that will take the longest

George Strait

Anne of Green Gables, Home Alone 2 + Twister

the Office, Parks & Rec and Frasier 

an ice cold IPA

telling your family's story through photographs

© Savannah Flagstad Photography 2023

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